
“SEULE” (2012)
Shortfilm | 1’00’’
2.35:1 | Digital | Canon 5D

A film by Toño Chouza
Actress: Alba Guilera
Gema Briones
Music: Colleen

Merits & Awards
  • Best Microfilm. European Shortfilm Festival. FEC 2012.
  • Official Selection BiciCine (Medellín, Colombia, 2019).
  • Official Selection ESF (Russia, 2014).
  • Official Selection on Zero Film Festival (New York, USA, 2013).
  • Official Selection 7th Toronto Urban Film Festival (Canada, 2013).
  • Best Shortfilm "Free Theme" in Minute Festival (Brazil, 2013).
  • Official Selection Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Resana (Italia, 2013)
  • Official Selection Festival de Cortometrajes COR3, Roatán (Honduras, 2013).
  • Official Selection "Ils ont Osé" in Festival International des Très Courts (France, 2013).
  • "Special Program" in The One Minute Film & Video Festival (Aarau, Switzerland, 2013).
  • V Certamen de Cortometrajes Angelika (Madrid, 2013).
  • ROOM ART FAIR #3 (Madrid, 2013).
  • Official Selection IX edition “San Rafael en Corto” (Canary Islands, Spain, 2013).
  • Official Selection on Almería en Corto (Almería, Spain, 2013).
  • International Official Selection Badadalona Film Festival (Filmets, 2012).
  • Seminci. Semana Internacional de Cine. (Valladolid, 2012).

Seule takes every detail of your surroundings so that solitude is not a defeat, but a way of life.

Seule is a lone woman: She lives alone, works alone, talks alone, plays alone, takes breakfast alone, eats alone, takes dinner alone, sleeps alone, dreams alone, walks alone, runs alone, smiles alone, smokes alone, cries alone, drinks alone , dresses herself alone, undresses alone, shower alone, she looks at herself alone, she imagines herself alone, but she never feels lonely ...

Consello da Cultura Galega